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Im so glad you’re here because we need all the troublemakers for racial justice that we can get!

We are living in an interesting time in which the pursuit of racial justice is both trendy and being attacked. But if you’re here, it’s probably because you are wanting to take your efforts toward racial justice deeper. You’re here because you’ve already made a commitment, and there’s no going back.

There are many reasons to fall in love with the pursuit of racial justice. Anti-racism is innovation. Within organizations, neighborhoods, and society- practicing anti-racism means revolutionizing outdated systems and traditions. Anti-racism is creative. It requires us to think and act in ways that are radically inclusive and create a profound sense of belonging. Anti-racism is heart. It’s empathy and vulnerability and humanity. It grows your heart and rearranges your life.

But anti-racism is also hard. Did I not mention that, yet? It’s hard because it’s innovative and creative and pulls at our humanity as it rearranges our lives. It gets you labeled a troublemaker. It can be lonely. It can be confusing to know what to do next. It can be hard to keep fighting the good fight.

But there is one more thing about anti-racism that is important to know. We are meant to do it together. Never in history has racial justice been achieved by a single individual. It is movement work; work we do together. And that's why Im here! So you dont have to do this alone.

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